a code to calculate different properties by means of Wannier interpolation: Berry curvature, orbital moment and derived properties.
WannierBerri World Tour is open for applications
Symmetry adapted Wannier functions (R. Sakuma Phys. Rev. B 87, 235109 (2013) )with
spin-orbit coupling
time-reversal symmetry
magnetic symmetries
frozen window
compatible with Quantum ESPRESSO, VASP, and Abinit
See documentation and tutorial for details
Search for suitable projections based on the symmetry indecators of the DFT bands within the frozen window. See documentation and tutorial for details
speed - it may be upto 1000 or more times faster then
: comparisonextensive functionality – see Capabilities
use of symmetries to reduce evaluation to symmetry-irreducible k points and increase precision.
Recursive adaptive refinement for enhanced accuracy.
Fermi scan and minimal distance replica selection have no cost
Please cite
Stepan S. Tsirkin. High performance Wannier interpolation of Berry curvature and related quantities with WannierBerri code. npj Comput Mater 7, 33 (2021). (Open Access).
Link to detailed Documentation
Tutorials in Jupyter notebooks are available on GitHub
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Install via pip
pip3 install wannierberri